CSC/ART/FST 220 3D Computer Graphics Tools & Literacy
Project-based approach to learning fundamental principles of 3-D computer graphics using high-level
software tools. Modeling of objects, geometrical transformations, surface algorithms, lighting and
shading, alternative rendering techniques, and providing background skills necessary to create animated
CSC 368 Visual Design for Multimedia
Combined studio/lecture course that examines technologies and basic principles of the internet specific to visual interface design and interactivity. Topics covered include technical, functional, and aesthetic issues related to basic graphic design and page design principles; site planning and implementation; graphic production using software and designing for user experience.
MIS 310 Web Page Development
Study the design and creation of web pages that support traditional screens, tablets, and smart devices. Topics include page structure, human-computer interface design, style sheets, reusability, and design concepts. Best industry practices such as client-side scripting languages and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques will also be considered.
CSC 331 Object-Oriented Programming & Design
Object-oriented programming with a focus on software modeling of objects, classes, methods,
inheritance, interfaces, and polymorphism.
CSC 370 Computer Graphics
Introduction to geometric modeling for graphic programming. Topics include transformations for modeling, viewing, and projection; geometric modeling of curves and surfaces; hidden-surface removal; clipping; graphical buffers; material simulation; texture mapping; and lighting.
ART-320-001 and CSC-320-001 and FST-320-001 merged
Basic principles of animation using 3-D computer-generated animation and basic processes for animating synthetic objects through structured exercises. Principles of designing and producing 3-D computer-generated animation through the creation of advanced motion studies. Projects focus on developing higher-level skills in model building, animation and color, and lighting.
CSC 475 Topics in Computer Science
Introduces students to multiple modes of researching and creating immersive and interactive narrative experiences through platforms and methods based on creative coding languages, animation and storytelling, Human Computing input, and mixed realities.
ART 496 Senior Capstone
Capstone courses are a means to help students attain a holistic, integrated recognition of the key facets of their education over the course of their university experience, particularly within the major. Digital Arts students will create an original portfolio piece, independently or team based. This faculty-approved creative project will be an ideal applied learning experience and will aid in future employment and post-graduation opportunities. Students and DA faculty will critique each capstone projects. The final capstone project will consist of research, a proposal, prototypes, the final digital project to be shown in a public display, a final research paper / project documentation and an oral defense / final presentation